Contact: Apartments Nela, Family Zeliæ
Stjepana Radiæa 117, 21322 Brela, Croatia (near Hotel Pelegrin)
mob. +385 91 437 05 58

The inhabitants of Brela are proud for having
the first beach in Dalmatia that was awarded
a Blue Flag, a special reward for quality, by
the Foundation for Environmental Education
in Europe. It is not easy to get such an award
since 26 severe criteria must be met by the
beach to get a Blue Flag. And the beach in
Brela succeeded!

The sea at such a beach must be perfectly
clear, sufficient number of toilets should be
provided, as well as garbage baskets, and
the beach should be regularly cleaned.

A watch service should also be organized, and the
one in Brela is especially attractive, at least for the
men's eyes, since it consists of two beauties, as if
they came from Baywatch.

The inhabitants of Brela have transferred the criteria
of cleanliness and orderliness from their beach to
their town, so that it is perfectly clean as well.